
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. — Aristotle

What will you wear on our dates?

My wardrobe is extensive, from very sexy to conservative, but on public dates, I prefer to wear uncomplicated designer pieces that enhance my elegant contours without overpowering me. You need not worry, I have often been complimented on the timeless, sophisticated sense of style I possess which allows me to make an alluring statement while retaining the lady-like grace required for all settings. That said, I am very happy to accommodate your personal requests. My main objective is to satisfy you!

What do you offer on a date?

That simple, yet elusive thing: authenticity… with an emphasis on affectionate and meaningful connections without the frustration of a traditional relationship. While I am a consummate professional, I am also intensely passionate about being the woman of your dreams, the perfect “Girlfriend Experience.” I will never make things between us feel like a business transaction or mechanically awkward, as it is important to me that you are as comfortable as possible. I want to be the one who comforts you during struggles and the first to celebrate your victories. Sharing lovely company is a true gift! My goal is to provide a uniquely satisfying and truly breathless experience of a life-time.

Do you like green/orange/white/black/young/old men? I

am an equal opportunity employer when it comes to dating, but I will admit that I have a preference for much older men.